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Let's turn an unloved, ex-tattoo parlour into a vibrant campaign HQ

Photo of the vacant office in a strip of shops

Great news! We've secured a prime spot to establish our campaign HQ in Burleigh. It's got heaps of space and lots of parking, but as an ex-tattoo parlour it needs some work.

We want to create a welcoming space for residents of McPherson to come and talk about the issues that concern them and the hopes they have for their electorate.

That's where we need you.

It will cost about $25,000 to rent the space and fix it up including:

  • Getting eyecatching signage done
  • Fixing the broken tiles and other repairs
  • Furnishing the space
  • Getting wifi setup
  • Changing the locks

and all the other hundreds of things a renovation typically includes. If you've done renovations at home you'll know how quickly it adds up.

If just 150 supporters could donate $150 each we'd be well on the way to having the money we need to do the office fit out.

Recent Donations

Unlike the major parties, we don’t have a war chest bankrolling us. We have something more powerful: you.

With donations from regular people like you we can give every voter in McPherson a community-driven choice in the Federal election.

Note: Your donation will appear as McPherson Independent in your bank statement. 

The legal stuff

Donations are not tax deductible at this time

By continuing to make a donation, you declare that you are not a foreign donor or entity outside of Australia. In financial year 24/25, donations of more than $16,900 may need to be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission. We will notify you about that and help you lodge a simple donor disclosure after the election.

If you have any donation queries, please email us at [email protected]

Thank you for your support.

$25,000 GOAL


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$ 150.00