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Teals snared Liberal seats. Now Dutton’s surge could take them back | SMH/The Age

In a recent opinion piece (behind paywall) in the Sydney Morning Herald/The Age, Chief Political Correspondent, David Crowe, discussed the challenges and opportunities in front of the Liberals and the Teals who took blue-ribbon Liberal seats at the last election.

Key points:

"The Liberals have many members, some with deep pockets, in these electorates. If Dutton wants power, not just a hung parliament, he must throw everything at removing the teals."

"Money will be vital, of course, because the most successful independent MPs spent a combined $12 million at the last election. One of the biggest donors, the Climate 200 group set up by Simon Holmes a Court, has matched or slightly exceeded the cash it raised at this point of the political cycle three years ago – a sign it is preparing for a big fight. Expect an avalanche of leaflets in key seats."

"While the attention given to the teals can infuriate their major party rivals, the facts show they work harder than most in politics. They seem to understand a key lesson from the short term of each parliament: you only have three years, so run hard."

"(Allegra) Spender has contributed more to economic debate than the Liberals, with actual ideas on tax reform when we are still waiting for Liberal frontbenchers to reveal their policies. Ryan has pushed for reform to lobbying rules, Scamps has put forward draft law to stop political mates getting plum jobs, Steggall campaigns for truth in political advertising and Chaney is the lead advocate for stronger controls on political donations." And they have not done this in isolation. The independent member for Indi, Helen Haines, was a big force in the final form of the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie speaks up on gambling, freedom of speech and transparency. The independents have clearly helped create a better parliament. Why should voters fear a bigger crossbench?"

"This will be a hard campaign for the independents. As a group, they may be the last big barrier to Dutton claiming a majority and becoming prime minister. Every increase in the Liberal primary vote makes the teals a bigger target."

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  • Michelle Archard
    published this page in News 2024-12-14 21:25:26 +1000